Tiree Regatta 2016

dscn3197The new venue at Gott Bay proved to be very popular with everyone who attended. The shore events were well attended, with SUP races, Kayak races, a sandcastle and sand art competition as well as throwing the fisherman’s welly which was very popular with kids and grown-ups alike. The Hebridean Whale and Dolphin Trust had an interesting stand with information on whale and dolphin recording. It was great to see so many people on the beach all having fun in the sun.

For the first time in a number of years a separate dinghy race was held. It was great to see members of the new Tiree Maritime Trust’s sailing club taking part, with many only having started sailing May this year at our community sail training weekend. A special mention should be made of our youngest sailors Gabby Le Roux sailing with her dad Paul and Roxy Le Roux skippering the dinghy with her mum Sarah the acquitted themselves  admirably in their first sailing race.

There was also a good field in the open sailing and traditional Tiree dipping lug boat classes. With a close inshore course the spectators were able to get a great view of Tiree’s distinctive sailing boats in action.

Tiree Maritime Trust would like to give a big thank you to everyone involved in this year’s Regatta. We would like to thank Kris and Aisling at the Lodge Hotel for their generous sponsorship of the event; Wild Diamond for running the shore races; William-Angus Maclean, Tim Dunlop and Steph Tanner for providing safety boats;  everyone who helped out on the day and everyone who joined in and made it a great Regatta.

We would also like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the many years of sterling support for the Tiree Regatta provided by the sadly recently departed Johnny Johnston and Angus Munn. The continuing success of the Regatta is due, in no small part, to their efforts.


Tiree Regatta 2016 Sailing Results

Dinghy Class

1 Topaz 11185 Micheal Holliday and Jack Lockhart
2 Topaz 11184 Paul Le Roux and Gabby Le Roux
3 Taz 11207 Catriona Spink
4 Topaz 11183 Roxy Le Roux and Sarah Le Roux
5 Taz 11206 Rhoda Meek
6 Topaz 11186 Alun Jones and Jackie Jones


Open Sailing Class

1 Nancy Neil McGougan
2 Malin John Patience
3 Mamie Jean II Martin Finnigan


Traditional Tiree Dipping Lug Class

1 Morag-Ann Mark Beese
Ret Cathadh Mara Micheal Holliday
Ret Daisy Donnie MacInnes

We look forward to seeing everyone at the 2017 Tiree Regatta.

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