@TireeMaritime @BartsBash amazing!

We put our shiney new fleet of training dinghies to great use this weekend when Tiree Maritime Trust took part in the Worlds Largest sailing race Bart’s Bash. This annual fundraising event takes place all over the world on the same day and this year over 9000 people took part sailing at 468 venues in 62 different countries. We may have been one of the smallest venues, but we still managed some excellent sailing and attracted some high profile support on Twitter from Olympic Sailor Luke Patience – @TireeMaritime @BartsBash amazing!



The Tiree Results were as follows

Position Skipper Sail Number Crew Bart Speed Time
1 Andrew ‘Sandy’ MacIntosh 11185 John Vale 1.88486 15 Min 38 Sec
2 John Holliday 11186 Micheal Holliday 1.79675 16 Min 24 Sec
3 Mark Beese 11183 Debs 1.39542 21 Min 7 Sec
4 Mark Vale 11184 Dorinda Johnson Retired

The worldwide results (www.bartsbash.com/results) are not all in yet, but provisionally Sandy is lying 968th in the world!

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